The Difficult Choice between Shabtai Zisel ben Abram and Lucky Leif the Goofy Viking

f8bde9c1458cf4a09a88e7aa6ff68005This is a photograph of the Shabtai Zisel as a well-fed child on the shores of Lake Superior - Minnesota. Some day you´re bound to cruise into the fine city of Duluth, where Shabtai was loved by his family, from Saturday 24 May 1941, when he was born, and for the first six years of his important life.

Some romantic and self-centered Icelanders believe that Duluth is an American adaption of the Icelandic word dulúđ (meaning mystery). Dulúđ is pronounced in pretty much the same way as Duluth.

Please Thank Lucky Leif that this is an article about wrong assumptions, misconceptions and just bad choices. The Icelandic Dulúđ is the first cocky bull to be butchered. The city of Duluth gets its name from a French soldier and explorer by the name of Daniel Graysolon the Sieur du Lhud (1639-1710).

Goofie Leif of Duluth

Lucky Leif of Duluth, the founding father of the Scandinavian elite of Duluth. This bronze is probably one of the highlight of American art. But how come? Leifur Eiríksson was never a goofy Norwegian with wings on his helmet. Seems as if he is having a bad WiFi-day.

All over America Norwegian "sons and daughters of Leif Eriksson" have erected more or less horrific statues of Leifur Eiríksson the Lucky, who was born in the Icelandic free state period (930-1262). His father Eiríkur the Red, together with his father Ţorvaldur Ásvaldsson, either fled or were outlawed from Norway. The reason, the Sagas argue, was that they engaged in too many killings. Erik (Eiríkur) continued his bad habits in Iceland and was outlawed. He chose to set sails to Greenland at the end of the 10th Century. Leif went further westwards and  in the 19th century Norwegians, thuggish as usual, stole that lucky guy from the Icelanders.

The Norwegians also, at an early stage, stole Snorri Sturluson (1179-1241). the great Saga-producer who was brutally butchered in his jacuzzi at Reykholt Iceland, by some hit-and-run hands hired by the Norwegians.  "Do not cut guys", Snorri managed stutter to his killers, when they hacked him to death with their sharp Norwegian axes in 1241. The probably didn´t  understand Snorri, and were talking English so badly it could start a war between nations - in the manner of the present Norwegian General Director of NATO.

Probably the Norwegians are still the Registered Trade Mark holders of Icelandic Snorri without paying a single dime in royalties to the his many descendants in Iceland.


Snorri´s 13th century jacuzzi in Iceland in stereo, before it was vandalized by some Icelandic specialist into a "jacuzzi" in a state of a silly nationalistic intoxication. The amateurish destruction of the original pool is one of the greatest examples of neo-national romantic vandalism in resent Icelandic Cultural Heritage administration. Below the the Snorralaug today - a cultural treasure vandalized. The vandals didn´t even find it necessary to follow a 1950s excavation results of the pool and its surroundings:


The Statues of Leif in the US are all simply dreadful, wherever they have been erected. Leif from peaceful Iceland is usually attributed with a Norman 11th century helmet with horns or even wings. His muscular body is locked in a rheumatic position by some bad artists. Among all the Leif-statues given to their fellow citizens by Americans with Norwegian roots, the statue in Boston is not only showing Leif lucky, but also feeling pretty gay; It´s probably the best bronze of the Leif there is.

Screenshot 2022-11-26 at 07-55-08 Leif Erikson BOSTON

With his horn in hand Leif feels lucky in Boston with his Bronze-age female breast-shields scouting for his next blow job. If there is a Leif in Hawaii, he is probably wearing a bikini. A faction of Boston appreciates its Leif. 30192340123

Have primitive Americans in an iconoclastic mode ever contemplated harming some of the Leifs in the US - only for the artistic value of it?

In our horrible times, the Norwegian sons and daughters of Duluth are collecting funds, half a million Dollars to pay for a roadside exhibit of 1930 romantic Viking ship, which some Norwegians sailed over to America from Norway back in 1926, to commemorate the white mens´ discovery of the Americas long after the Indians and the Inuits. 

Why collect half a million green bills for a glass-garage for a make-believe Viking ship-museum just outside Duluth, whereto Leif the Lucky never went? Instead, why not erect a bronze effigy of the great Shabtai Zisel ben Avraham (Bob), or even better his granny: One-legged Anne she was called, born in Trabzon, Turkey. She made it to the promised land, even escaping the poor little Jew-killing Ukraine. Her grandchild Bob fondly recalls his visits to her house in Duluth, where there was a grand view of Lake Superior. And could she bake a Mohn Roll. - A bronze of One legged Anne, in one of Duluth´s parks would be much cheaper, with only one leg and all, than a Viking with a winged helmet and a lots of lies and myths to hold on to.

Screenshot 2022-11-26 at 13-59-22 From Odessa to Duluth The journey of Bob Dylan's grandparents

From the Shtetl of Duluth. One legged Anna lived in the center house. No Norwegians livin´ there - but they probably owned the place.

While the "Viking" Norwegians of Duluth, Minn. collect money to remember their faked ancestors´ ships, Bob only gets the odd sewer lid to his memory in his native city.

Dylan dćksel

Duluth has had a Lucky Leif-Park for ages, while Bob only got a small street named after him.

Some people do not get it, and not only in Duluth. Why? -- The answer is blowin´ in the wind, but Bob Dylan has never had a number-one-single in the US - and some Americans want Trump and no damn Jews in the White House - which gives you a clue. However Bob ben Abram doesn´t seem to give a damn about Duluth. After all Shabtai only lived there for six year - which is six whole years longer than than the great "Noregian" Lucky Leif ever spent on the banks of the Lake Superior.

The great Shabtai Zisel at 81. The Leif Lodge of Duluth should build him a Snorri-jacuzzi for them old ´n stiff bones.

Screenshot 2022-11-27 at 09-55-43 Bob Dylan – June 2022 (Photos and Concert Videos) - NSF - Music Magazine

Bloggfćrslur 27. nóvember 2022


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