Forlaget Vandkunsten - et mindeord

Vandkunsten gif

Weekendavisen har i afsnittet Břger (13. okt. 2023, side 2) med meget fattige ord mindedes det nu, efter sigende definitivt afdřde forlag Vandkunsten.

Vandkunsten blev drevet con amore og var derfor helt anderledes end de store forlag som er 95% + kold og kynisk forretning. Forlag skal desvćrre vćre en forretning for at kunne overleve i en verden, hvor fćrre og fćrre kan lćse og endnu fćrre forstĺ. Det gřr kapitalforlagene dog ikke til bedre forlag end Vandkunsten eller andre smĺforlag.

Jeg nřd godt af Vandkunsten, og desuden boede jeg, inden forlaget blev fřdt, pĺ Vandkunsten (nr. 6) og gik dagligt forbi springvandet pĺ pladsen foran bygningen.

Det sprřjtehovedet som jeg er, nřjes med at skrive nogle mindeord pĺ latin om det nu hedengangne forlag, som ofte lavede bedre ting end forlag med 100 gange mere kapital i baglommen.

En mindeartikel pĺ latin har faktisk 43% střrre chance for at blive lćst end en paragraf i det selvhřjtidelige internet-afskrift som man kalder Weekendavisen. Var jeg en pengemand, ville jeg omgĺende genoplive Vandkunsten. Vand giver kultur - Hvorfor mon de kaldte det likvider?

In Memoriam

Domus divulgationis dicta VANDKUNSTEN (Fons) transiit.

Post XXIII annos laboris passionisque, fons sapientiae iam non fluit. Aqua ibi, pressio est, sed pecunia quae in mundo aegroto omnia moderatur non est. Naturae elementa semper evanescunt propter pecuniam et avaritiam.

Fui unus ex illis felicibus hominibus quos editorius Sřren Mřller Christensen sub ala suo suscepit cum librum meum Medaljens Bagside edidit. Id ei semper habeo gratus.

Sed recordor unam societatem, quam in tergo libri mei commemo, 100 exemplaria emisse, ut ea in pyram perderet. Fabulam narravi de conditore societatis, Danicus, qui Iudaeos tantum diligebat ut eos ad Christianam convertendos cogeret, macula conspicui erat.

Quis unquam lepide disseruit, sensum aestheticum et laborem in libellorum negotiorum prosperis facere? Plerique, commercii vendo sola res est quae illis librum aperit - et non necessario legit. Tempus vivimus quo liber factus est quod carere potes. Multi non possunt legere sine iniuria, et plerique legere non possunt.

Diarium Felium illustrata - nam feles illuminata - etiam desiderabitur. Fontanus virtutis requiescat in pace. Magister Mřller Christensen, vir fortissimus est in tempore pessimo.

Kattens ĺr 2023I det kattens ĺr 2023

Danske skřnlitterćre forfattere advarede mod Forlaget Vandkunsten pĺ denne usmagelige mĺde. Tryk pĺ billedet for at se teksten, eller find den her:

Screenshot 2023-10-30 at 08-09-39 Advarsel mod Vandkunsten ⋆ Danske Skřnlitterćre Forfattere

So it´s October (1943) again, and what have you learned ?

Dumb dumbest

Every year, Denmark remembers the days of early October 1943, when most Jews in Denmark fled/saved themselves/and in some cases were saved to Sweden - if they were not deported to Theresienstadt to take part in a weird window-dressing game of the Germans in Theresienstadt, made possible with the aid of officials of the Danish Red Cross.

Annually, at this time of year, you see the reaction of some Danes on social media, who are passionate about the Palestinian cause and compare Jewish survivors who were not murdered in the Shoah (Holocaust) to Nazis. They call the state of the Jews a "Nazi state" and the ideology behind the creation of a new Jewish state is dubbed "apartheid". Such a sick and distorted view of history should not be of much concern, but one is naturally forced to do so, because the children and grandchildren of Danish Nazis are still engaged in their fight against the Jews. Unfortunately, that phenomenon in some cases seems to be hereditary.

Also in 2023, on the 80th anniversary of the flight to Sweden,  in the days leading up to the celebration that "it all went a little better in little Denmark than everywhere else", politically biased Danes are comparing Nazism with Zionism and everything else they can do to screw up today´s Jews. There is no coincidence that that battle occurs in Denmark; It´s something of a tradition. Some Jews have even begun to thank Himmler for their rescue. Please listen to historian/journalist Bent Blüdnikow in an interview; Click here and on "Lyt videre", to listen to historian and journalist Adam Holm in the program Fight for History (Kampen om Historien); Approx. 39 minutes into the program, where Bent Blüdnikow, who probably has been Donald Trump´s biggest fan in Denmark, tells about his respect for "Himmler´s rescue of the Danish Jews".

Such a view comes as a surprises and will also surprise experts far beyond Denmark´s watery borders! In the above mentioned radio-broadcast Dr. Silvia Goldbaum Tarabini corrects Mr. Blüdnikow, invited in connection with the publication of her fantastic new Book on the Danish Jews in Theresienstard: Danske jřders liv og dřd i Theresienstadt, released a couple of weeks ago in Danish by publishing house Gyldendal in Copenhagen. Her book in Danish bases on her Ph.D. thesis from Technische Universität Berlin: The Jews of Denmark in the Holocaust; Life and Death in Theresienstadt Ghetto. Routledge 2021. (Now available in paperback).

However, when a special type of Danes think October´43 can be compared to the terrorist fight for Palestine´s freedom, I like to tell the story of two ungifted Icelanders (who were then,until 1944), still citizens of the Kingdom of Denmark). They were stranded in Denmark during the war, where one studied to be a telegraph operator and the other made ends meet as a convivial pianist in a restaurant north of Copenhagen. A network with the participation of a German spy leader in the Abwehr and, among other things, the notorious Danish policeman Max Pelving, who was one of many Jew-haters among Danish policemen, a dozen Icelanders were acquired in Copenhagen to go on spy missions to Iceland. But first they had to be trained in Germany. 

Two of the Icelanders, whom the Nazis recruited in Copenhagen were sent for training at a spy-academy run by the SS in the suburb of Lehnitz, Northeast of Berlin, not far from the concentration camp of Sachsenhausen.

Together with the Icelanders at the school in Lehnitz (seen on the mugshot above), there were men from different countries such as the Soviet Union (including many from the later Ukrainian area), Croatia, Italy, Ireland, England and Norway. The school in Lehnitz was not the only one of its kind in the Reich. Other Icelanders were sent to courses on a farm near the German-Polish border. The farm was owned by a German Abwehr-intelligence officer stationed in Copenhagen.

After completing a course, the two young Icelandic men were sent by boat from Norway to Iceland. British and American forces in Iceland intercepted communications to and from the Norwegian speedboat and arrested Iceland´s answer to Dum-Dumber on arrival. They were sent to Denmark and interrogated there. The photographs at the top were taken immediately after they were arrested. Although it doesn´t look good.

Fortunately, these two gentlemen from Iceland were quite cooperative and told the British everything they wanted to know. One of them also gave extra information about their two Palestinian schoolmates in the SS school in Lehnitz, Kotoup and Ramma(r)dan, sent there by the Grand Mufti over Jerusalem who was on speaking terms with both Hitler and Himmler, because he dreamed of the same things like them. In defence of my two less gifted compatriots, it must be stated that, after all, they did not have much respect for the two Palestinians and their cause.

One of the two Palestinians, Koutop, whose full name was Fawzi al-Qutb, boasted that in the 1930s in Jerusalem he had murdered many civilian Jews and British soldiers in a series of terrorist actions, during the wave of murderous violence known as the Arab Revolt 1936-39.

Koutop Arab


Fawzi Al-Qutb

In 1943, Palestinian Fawzi al-Qutb was a student at one of the terror and spy academies. He was at Lehnitz outside Berlin together with Icelanders and, among others, Danes.

The Palestinians were going on different missions than the Icelanders in the picture at the top of this report. The mission of the two Palestinians was to murder Jews. Missions that certain Danes, to this day, find it appropriate to compare with Danish resistance during World War II. The Icelander who told the British about the Palestinian terrorist al-Qutb had apparently not passed by Sachsenhausen on the way to the SS school in Lehnitz, and or had not heard of the extermination of Jews that the Germans had gradually begun.

Please don´t forget that Danish authorities and politicians, who are still praised for having "saved the Danish Jews to Sweden", immediately after the war initiated attempts to deport Jews who had managed to escape to Denmark in the 1930s. Many stateless Jews, who also saved themselves to Sweden together with Danish Jews, received a greeting from the Danish authorities immediately after the war with a warning of immediate deportation. Jews who found their way to Denmark after the end of the war were branded in police reports as socialists or communist spies (without them being so). You can read about the love that the Jews met after the war in my book Medaljens Bagside (2005) for more details. It is not enough to believe - you must also read and know. This also applies to the Danish historian-journalist who now thanks Heinrich Himmler for saving the Danish Jews.

Can official Denmark, which has not done away with the continued anti-Semitism in Denmark after WWII, celebrate anything, and especially in these years when convicted xenophobes still sit in the Danish Parliament and boast of humanity? Yes, the only thing to do is to keep on going and hope that history is not perverted by people with a strange agenda, or historians who cannot read sources and think that the beast on the right in the picture below had something to do with the rescue of the Danes Jews.


Danish historians, who for some reason or another believe that Heinrich Himmler was involved in the rescue of the Danish Jews, and others still, who even believe that if other occupied states in Nazi-occupied Europe had introduced the same values of collaboration with the Nazis like the Danish Politicians did (read about that obfuscation here), are not good news for the further understanding of the 1943 Jewish experience in Denmark.

Fortunately, there is light at the end of a dark Danish research-tunnel. Silvia Goldbaum Tarabini´s above mentioned volumes are among the bright lights, which eliminates the dark and sometimes ridiculous nationalism and ignorance in some Danish WWII historiography.

Sĺ er det Oktober 43 igen - og hvad har man lćrt?

Dumb dumbest

Hvert ĺr mindes man i Danmark de dage da jřder i Danmark flygtede/reddede sig selv/og i nogle tilfćlde blev reddet til Sverige - hvis de ikke blev deporteret til Theresienstadt for at deltage i et spil for galleriet som tyskerne skabte bl.a. med hjćlp fra individer og Rřde Kors i Danmark.

Ĺrligt, pĺ denne tid af ĺret, ser man reaktion fra folk pĺ de sociale medier, som brćnder for den palćstinensiske sag og sammenligner overlevende jřder, som ikke blev myrdet i Shoah (holocaust) med nazister. Jřdernes stat kalder de "Nazistat" og ideologien bag oprettelse af en ny jřdisk stat bliver kaldt "apartheid". Sĺdan et sygt og forkvaklet historiesyn burde man ikke tage sig af, men man bliver naturligvis tvunget til det, for břrn og břrnebřrn af danske nazister er stadig i gang i deres kamp mod jřderne. Det fćnomen gĺr desvćrre i arv.

Ogsĺ i ĺr, i dagene op til fejringen af at "det hele gik lidt bedre i lille Danmark end alle andre steder", sammenligner danskere med politisk skćvsyn nazismen med zionisme og alt andet de kan gřre for at svine nutidens jřder til. Der er ingen tilfćldighed bag at den slags forekommer i Danmark; Det er mere en tradition. Enkelte jřder er endda begyndt at takke Himmler for deres redning (lyt til Bent Blüdnikow i et interview, klick her med Adam Holm i programmet Kampen om Historien ca. 39 minutter ind i programmet, hvor Bent Blüdnikow, Donald Trumps střrste fan i Danmark, ytrer sin respekt for Himmlers redning af de danske jřder) - Det undrer, og vil ogsĺ undre langt ud over Danmarks vandede grćnser!

Jeg fortćller gerne, nĺr en meget speciel type danskere mener Oktober´43 kan sammenlignes med terrorkampe for Palćstina, historien om to smĺtbegavede islćndinge (som dengang stadig var borgere i Kongeriget Danmark).

De to Islćndinge var strandet i Danmark under krigen, hvor den ene studerede til telegrafist og den anden drev den af som hyggepianist pĺ en restaurant nord for Křbenhavn. Et netvćrk med deltagelse af en tysk spionleder i Abwehr og bl.a. den notoriske danske politimand Max Pelving, der var en blandt mange jřdehadere i Politiet, erhvervede en snes islćndinge i Křbenhavn til at tage pĺ spionmissioner til Island. Men fřrst skulle de uddannes.

To af dem de fik fat i blev sendt til trćning pĺ en spionskole som SS drev i forstaden Lehnitz, nordřst for Berlin, ikke langt fra Sachsenhausen.

Sammen men islćndingene pĺ skolen i Lehnitz, var der mćnd fra forskellige lande sĺsom Sovjetunionen (herunder det Ukrainske omrĺde), Kroatien, Italien, Irland, England og Norge. Skolen i Lehnitz var ikke den eneste af slagsen. Andre islćndinge blev sendt til en Abwehr officer i Křbenhavn som organiserede kurser pĺ sin gĺrd ved den tysk-polske grćnse.

Efter et fuldendt kursus blev de to unge islandske mćnd sendt med en bĺd fra Norge til Island. De britiske og amerikanske styrker i Island opsnappede kommunikationer til og fra den norske motorbĺd og anholdt Islands svar pĺ Dum-Dumber ved ankomsten. De blev sendt til Danmark og afhřrt dér. Fotografierne řverst blev taget umiddelbart efter at de blev anholdt. Skřnt ser det ikke ud.

Disse to herrer fra Island var heldigvis ret samarbejdsvillige og fortalte briterne alt de ville vide.

Den ene af dem gav ogsĺ ekstra information om deres to palćstinensiske skolekammerater i SS-skolen i Lehnitz, Kotoup og Ramma(r)dan, sendt dertil af Stormuftien over Jerusalem som var pĺ talefod med bĺde Hitler og Himmler, for han drřmte om de samme ting som dem.

Til forsvar for mine to smĺtbegavede landsmćnd, mĺ oplyses, at de trods alt ikke havde sĺ megen respekt for de to palćstinenser og deres sag. En af de to palćstinensere, Koutop, hvis fulde navn var Fawzi al-Qutb, pralede med at han i 1930erne i Jerusalem havde myrded mange civile jřder og britiske soldater ved en rćkke terroraktioner, nok under den břlge af drabsvold som man kalder Den arabiske Opstand 1936-39.

Koutop Arab

Fawzi Al-Qutb

Fawzi al-Qutb, var studerende pĺ et SS-terror og spionakademi uden for Berlin sammen med islćndinge og bl.a. danskere.

Palćstinenserne skulle pĺ andre missioner end islćndingene pĺ billedet řverst i denne beretning. Palestinensernes mission var at myrde jřder. Missioner som visse enfoldige danskere, den dag i dag, finder det magtpĺliggende at sammenligne med dansk modstandskamp under 2. Verdenskrig. Islćndingen som fortale briterne om den palćstinensiske terrorist al-Qutb havde tilsyneladende ikke kommet forbi Sachsenhausen pĺ vejen til SS-skolen i Lehnitz, og eller ikke hřrt om jřdeudryddelserne som tyskerne sĺ smĺt var gĺet i gang med.  

Glem ikke, at danske myndigheder og politikere, som stadig hřster ros for at have "reddet de danske jřder til Sverige", lige efter krigen igangsatte forsřg pĺ at udvise jřder, som det var lykkedes for at flygte til Danmark i 1930erne.

Mange statslřse jřder, som ogsĺ reddede sig selv til Sverige sammen med danske jřder, fik lige efter krigen en hilsen med posten fra de danske myndigheder med varsling om umiddelbar udvisning. Jřder som fandt vejen til Danmark efter krigens afslutning, blev i politirapporter brćndemćrket som socialister eller kommunistspioner (uden at de var det). I kan lćse om den kćrlighed som jřderne mřdte efter krigen i min bog Medaljens Bagside (2005) for nćrmere detaljer.  Det er ikke nok at tro - man skal ogsĺ lćse og vide. Det gćlder ogsĺ den danske historiker-journalist som nu takker Himmler for redningen af de danske jřder. Det manglede da bare. 

Kan det officielle Danmark, som ikke har gjort op med den fortsatte antisemitisme i Danmark efter krigen, fejre noget som helst, og specielt i disse ĺr nĺr dřmte fremmedhadere stadig sidder i Folketinget og praler sig af medmenneskelighed? Jo, det eneste at gřre er at blive ved, og hĺbe at historien ikke perverteres af folk med en underlig dagsorden, eller historikere som ikke kan lćse kilder og specielt, hvis de tror manden til hřjre pĺ billedet herunder havde noget med redningen af de danske jřder at gřre.



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