January 27 - a day to remember EVERYTHING


Many of my Fellow Icelanders believe that Israel´s borders and Jewish existence in general can be discussed like the annual quotas for the Icelandic fishing fleet. In Denmark, the country I have chosen to live in, you find similar people, who still use lot of time to solve their seemingly main problem in life: "The Jewish question."

You often get the impression that such people believe that Israelis should leave their national State and go back to the old European Shtetl of their ancestors - or back the Muslim Countries they had to flee from after 1948. Other solutionists prefer that Jew head for a more remote location, either an island off the coast of Africa or the Australian bush. Others still wish Jews off the face of the earth, like the Lithuanian government, a EU state where government after government still praise their own murderers of Jews as national heroes and now we are talking about the 21th Century.  

Where to go? Madagascar, Patagonia or Alaska, as previously suggested for the Jews? Later the solution was "final": Auschwitz, Treblinka, Maidanek, Sobibor etc. 

This perverted alienation among Icelanders and many other nationals, who want to gain world peace by blaming everything on Jews is based on an old hereditary hatred that Europeans have cherished for centuries in churches, parliaments and universities. 

Let´s go back to 1699

Dutch Antisemite Bynkershoek

This prosperous Dutch fellow presented a final solution for the Jews in 1699.

I have in my possession an old newspaper from July 17, 1699, kept by my family since they were told told to fuck off from the Netherlands back in 1699.

In 1699 Cornelis van Bynkershoek, the publisher of the newspaper Nieuwe Oprechte Haegse Mercur, published in The Hague, Holland, wrote on the front page of the Haegse Mercur that day about his wishes to get rid of the Jews. His "final solution" was to sail them all to America.

Among other things, Bynkershoek claims in his article that the Jews own a quarter of all property in Europe. 

Van Bynkershoek wanted to get rid of the Jews. He was by the way, a highly respected lawyer and a judge in his own time. He is still highly regarded in the Netherlands, but not so many Dutchmen know the vile "op-ed" he wrote in the Haegse Mercur, when he was 26 years old in 1699.

My dear readers, here you can see that "civilized Europe" had come into existence. Anti-Semitism was well in the jolly Netherlands in 1699,  the richest country on the continent. Then, like today, people solved their problems and mental disorders by driving the Jews away blaming them for all the evils of the world. Today a new theme has progressed. Europe has together with the USA begun to praise an alleged Jew, who praises the killers of his grandparents in Babi Jar.

The Dutch often boast of being the country in Europe that were the first to give the Jews civil rights and religious freedom, and therefore think that they were better to the Jews than most others nations. Jews in the Netherlands were often considered among the filthy rich. That´s one of the greatest Dutch myths. At the end of the 18th century, 54% of Jews were below the poverty limits, and in 1840, 60% of Dutch Jews were below the poverty line. At the beginning of the 20th century, the situation was not much better. Then the otherwise prosperous Jews of Portuguese descent had became poorer than the Jews of German descent.

Anti-Semitism has not gone unnoticed in the liberal Netherlands at the end of the 20th century. In recent years this perverted hatred is still being spewed out by some Dutch soccer hooligans, by some few young Muslims who harass Jews on their way to synagogues, but mainly from some few left-wing Dutchmen who support the destruction of Israel at any cost due to their sheer ignorance.

I experienced this Dutch "kindness" myself in 1975 in The Hague, when new Dutch citizens of Moroccan extraction threw bottles at me and other people walking out of the reformed and formerly the Portuguese synagogue in the Hague. My father and I had been invited to the Shul by an old friend of my father´s in den Haag.

In 2014, I, like so often before, visited the Netherlands. On a short train trip from Amsterdam Airport to Leiden, where I changed trains on my way to den Haag, I ran into soccer hooligans from Rotterdam who were shouting "Jews back to Auschwitz" after their team had lost a match - and not even to the "Jewish team" of Ajax of Amsterdam.

Rest assured. The Jews are not leaving Israel. No one is settling in Madagascar, Uganda or Patagonia. Some went to Iceland - but the country turned out to be too cold and hostile (se here). The odd Jewish movement might possibly go to the end of the universe, to make money by creating a Jew out of a Ukrainian warlord dressed up in a military leisure-suite, who praises the killers of his Jewish grandparents.

These killers are national heroes in the Ukraine. When the state of Israel in 2023 unites forces with countries who glorify their local murderers of Jews, Israel is in danger. Mind you, Ukrainians didn´t come to the rescue in Auschwitz on 27. January 1945 - Many Ukrainians engaged in the slaughter of Jews in different camps, as well as in Ukraine. The Lithuanian EU-state also praises their murderers of Jews, who began the slaughter even before the Germans invaded Lithuania. Lithuanian murderers of Jews are still being praised as national heroes - and the Danes, the Icelanders and the NATO director from Norway do not give a damn. The Lithuanians are "our brothers and sister" they repeatedly say.

I am sorry to have to say this: The hatred in the Netherlands in 1699 is still around in Europe, steadily growing and is now even protected by the indifference of the EU, UN and NATO.

Bloggfćrslur 27. janúar 2023


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