Circus Zelenskyj is coming to Town


and its pack of CLOWNS in REYKJAVIK


SOON in a Circus Tent near you in Reykjavík

The Preliminary Program:

VLOD the Grand CLOWN of KüiyjiĎv: and his Famous "Now-I-am-a-Jew-Now-I am-not-Act". A Traditional Ukrainian Puppet show in four acts (Sponsored by LEGO).

Ingen tilgćngelig billedbeskrivelse.

Artist TÓTA BROWNIE SMOKEFJORD walks on a thin line with her Icelandic blondes while knitting a sweater for Vlod. No security lines, no facemask, no Tampax nor sanitary towels, no Brain -  Nothing. Best illusion since H.C. Andersen´s The King´s new Cloths


KATE JAKOBS shows her NATO Ticks and Tacks (Noir act, might be canselled).

J. STOLTENBERG aka the fomous Nerwegian Wohr-clauwn Bellegrino, whom noboddy understaends, prissents to sentences in perfekt Engelish. Once in a lifetime act.

Jens Stoltenberg discussed energy and the economy with Angela Merkel. |  4SEE Photographers  

SLOPPY JOE BIDEN: US #1 Clown finds his own incriminating CIA-documents in the audience. An Incredible Act.

Joe Biden Doing Clown Show Funny Joe Is A Democratic Clown

CAPTAIN CANNON, aka Donnie Trumpetti, grabs a pussy in thin air (sponsored by ICELANDAIR). 

17 Trump Clown ideas | clown, trump, trump humor



German prima-Clown Olaf Scholz hands out the Hanswursts (Icelandic SS-sausages only, sponsored by Bill Clinton and his Blue and white stained Dress Circus).

Bćjarins Beztu Pylsur

EMMANUELLE DI MACCARONI, The Nice-Balladin of France, at least tries to make a pissaprocess during the break.

JOHN GUNN: A never-before-seen Act. Johnny Gunn, the famous Icelandic optical illusionist and main benefactor of the visit of Circus Zelenskijs Iceland-visit, makes an Icelandic coastguard plane vanish in thin air. Now it´s here, now it´s not. This act is sponsored by the Icelandic Coast-guard and the lost security of the Icelandic People).

VLAD PUTIN: Clown in Chief of the Bolshoi Circus in Moscow dies on stage, is revived, and dies again; Is then revived again - dies and is finally revived as a homosexual. A classic act.

Kevin Rothrock on Twitter:

ZIMMI Simmsalabim TORTOLA: World famous Icelandic laundryman makes your old Icelandic króna disappear into thin air and blames it all on the Jews. Then he eats raw minced meat on a traditional Icelandic hammock. Incredible act, never seen before.

Hrátt hakk í gćr en grćnmetisdagur hjá Sigmundi í dag - Vísir

CAPTAIN Independent-BEN and his crew and their ICELANDIC SPACE-SHOW us: How Icelandic tax-income vanishes into thin Space, Time and the Ukraine, while the famous Icelandic welfare state is a total goner.

Boris Johnson (BOJO the TORY CLOWN) and his Act of Exit. A tragicomic act in three stages.

Boris Johnson BOJO THE CLOWN Sticker by njmclean | Vinyl sticker, Sticker  design, Stickers

Funfair-LOTTERY: Buy a lot.

Winner gets: The West-Fjords of Iceland. Only for the foreign guests. All income goes to Warfare in foreign lands.


The Land of Burning-hot Babes, Strong Idiots and Clean Water.

What do YOU think about Iceland? Do you think at all? Participate in the query.

Bloggfćrslur 3. febrúar 2023


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