Does Denmark really run on Principles?


Last week, Denmark had the honour of being the host for Abdel Fattha al Sissi, the president of Egypt. Nearly a week before the president´s plane arrived i Copenhagen´s international airport in Kastrup, some members of the Danish parliament, hardly spoke about anything except the Egyptian.

According to a series of political parties, mainly on the left, al Sissi is a dictator and even a mass murderer. The most righteous among righteous in Denmark (and they are many) didn´t welcome the official invite of the president. According to the righteous, among the people, who have welcomed Yasser Arafat, Nicolae Ceausescu and other notorious criminals, al Sissi is even worse - while any stop-over of an Israeli prime-minister is the worst possible scenario for little Denmark.

Anyone, who has studied Danish history of the last 200 year, or even further back, will quickly see that Danes, possibly due to the population size are not followers of great principles. The Danish recipe of invite much rather follows the principal, that if the visitor is economically important for Denmark, he is welcome. Guests, who can provide oil and resources, get to shake the hands of Danish Queens and Kings, and are ever so welcome, while leaders of e.g. "roage states" like Israel, which under attack from most of its neighbours cannot pay the Kingdom of Denmark a visit unless being apprehended by a Danish foreign minister, himself with his principles in tatters.

Now, when former warriors, like ex-al Quaeda terrorist Abu Mohammad al-Jolani (Golani), real name Ahmad al Sharaa, aka Hassan Abdul Ghany (see an anaysis of the 42 year old terrorist here) have invaded Damascus, they are welcomed by the very same Danish politicians, who want to keep al Sisi away from righteous Denmark and put Netanyahu on trial for genocide. We are proably more likely to see terrorist Ahmad al Sharaa on a state visit in Copenhagen, than any leader from Israel.

The Danish school system, being as bad as it really is (according to international monitoring agencies), hasn´t managed to get it through the thick Danish sculls, what the international definition of genocide is, a definition which btw is ratified by Denmark. 

ISIS members have never ratified any Genocide-declaration and nothing has really changed in the dictatorship of Syria with Assad gone. All the factions of that land will continue to hate Jews - and blame everything on the Jews, like they have done since the marking of Jews began in Damascus. Don´t think for a moment that the Germans invented that habit.

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Á Íslandi er haft eftir íslenska utanríkisráđherranum (sem brátt gengur í Viđreisn): "Upp­fćrt ţann 9. des­em­ber, kl. 00.10: Í eldri út­gáfu af frétt­inni var haft eft­ir Ţór­dísi Kol­brúnu ađ hún ćtlađi ekki ađ for­dćma upp­rás­ina "á ţess­um tíma­punkti";. Hún hef­ur nú sent árétt­ingu ţess efn­is ađ hún hygg­ist ekki for­dćma hana yfir höfuđ."    

FORNLEIFUR, 9.12.2024 kl. 10:34


 Kolsvört greyiđ fordćmir ekki árásir al Qaida yfir höfuđ.

FORNLEIFUR, 9.12.2024 kl. 10:37

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