The Treaty Trump flushed out at Mar a Lago

475545285_10234166101484635_4463766065795799996_nI bet Donald Trump flushed this contract preparation from 1916 and the treaty between USA and Denmark from January 1917 out at the famous archival WC in Mar a Lago.

See the genuine documents her.

Trump obviously thinks Denmark has lost all proofs after he fluSShed evvvveryting into the Mexic..., sorreeey the Great American Gulf, and most likely into the Atlantic Ocean, now simply called Donald Trump´s Mare.

Trump underestimates Europe. Thanks for the documents to Senior Research Archivist Steen Andersen at the Danish National Archives (Rigsarkivet) in Copenhagen, Denmark. And "No, Not in Stockholm, Mr. President", like a Danish member of an American Think Tank told you. There is a copy in Sweden and Norway, where it is also strictly forbidden to do research while pooping.

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