Copenhagen Jewish Cultural Festival 2024:1

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Copenhagen Jewish Cultural Festival 2024:1

Ladino Music in Klezmer Mode

Monday last (3 June), I went to sjoel to listen to Ladino-music pereformed at the Jewish Cultural Festival 2024.

Unfortunately, the musicians, who were really 1t class - and even from W-Jutland -, were far too infiltrated in their Klezmer-"oumpaoumpa"-background to click into the "real" Ladino gear of amor y corazones

That specific Monday nightm I might actually have attended a Klezmer concert with some Arabic-music undertones, which might be of Jewish origin.

However, singer Ayala Zimbler Hertz (of the Danish Royal Opera) was the highlighting Star - but the music was too fusioned to give me the genuine Andaluz feeling - whatever that is?. ... Who knows? I don´t, but it was probably never as Klezhmatic as it was last Monday.

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