Bloggfćrslur mánađarins, janúar 2020
Fyrrverandi prófessor í fornleifafrćđi segir skođun sína
29.1.2020 | 16:33
Hér er er loks eins konar fornleifafrćđi. Viđ sögu kemur gamall lektor minn frá námsárunum í Árósi, sem óstađkunnugur Snorri Sturluson kallađi í Árósum, ţótt ósinn sé ađeins einn.
Jyllands-Posten, eđa Jótlandspósturinn er bleđill sem gefinn er út í Danmörku, ntt í Árósi. Blađiđ er eingöngu annálađ, eđa réttara sagt frćgt af endemum, fyrir skopteikningar sem blađiđ birti af Múhameđ spámanni og sem nćstum ţví voru búnar ađ koma af stađ enn einu heimsstríđinu.
Nú er blađiđ aftur á ferđinni međ teiknimynd ţar sem veirur hafa veriđ settar í stađ hinna fjögurra gula stjarna á ţjóđfána Kínverja. Ţetta bćđi sćrir og móđgar Kínverja.
Samkvćmt ritstjóra blađsins átti ţessi teikning hvorki ađ vera fyndin eđa ádeila, enda er hún ţađ ekki. Hún sýnir fyrst og fremst lágt greindarstig og dómgreindarleysi á ritstjórnargangi Jyllands-Posten.
Danska ríkissjónvarpiđ, DR, spurđi í gćr nokkra kínverska og danska borgara um álit ţeirra á teikningu JP. Fyrrverandi prófessor viđ deildina mína í Árósum, Víkingaaldarsérfrćđingurinn Else Roesdahl, var spurđ á götu ţar í borg og sagđi ađ hún ađ hún teldi JP ćtti ađ biđjast afsökunar. Ég tek hattinn af fyrir Elsu! Hér (3,45 mínútur eftir byrjun fréttatímans) má heyra skođun prófessorsins
Ritstjórinn á JP taldi hins vegar enga ástćđu til ţess, og sammála voru margir danskir stjórnmálamenn. Enn ađrir Stórdanir líta á ţetta sem eitthvađ "listaverk", hluta af fjölmiđlafrelsi og jafnvel dćmi um einstakan danskan húmor.
Í ţessu tilviki erum viđ ekki tala um stórkarlalega kínverska diplómata og sendiherra sem hamast í vestrćnum fjölmiđlum yfir minnstu gagnrýni á Kína. Viđ erum ađ rćđa um alvarlegan sjúkdóm. Ef Kínverjar hafa ekki framleitt veiruna líkt og sumir spunameistarar eru farnir ađ halda fram í lygafréttaham, er ósiđlegt ađ drita yfir ţjóđfána fólks sem enga sök á á voveiflegum sjúkdóm. Slíkt er eiginlega harla frumstćtt.
Bloggar | Breytt s.d. kl. 16:36 | Slóđ | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
Ţorbjörn rćskir sig á ári rottunnar
27.1.2020 | 13:42
Og ţađ geri ég líka.
Reyndar mun meira en venjulega eftir skotferđ til Fróns í síđustu viku. Ţotur Flugleiđa voru hálffullar af Kínverjum, sumum hverjum međ svartar grímur. Ţeir rćsktu sig allir og hnerruđu - í báđar áttir, heim og út aftur. Ţeir höfđu greinilega fengiđ slćmt kvef viđ ađ góna of lengi á Norđurljósin á Íslandi, sem voru illsjáanleg alla vikuna.
Nú er hrođi og kvika einnig farin ađ safnast undir Ţorbirni eđa Ţorbjarnarfelli eins og ţađ heitir víst líka. Mađur vonar ađ ţetta sé bara í hálsinum á Ţorbirni, einhver kverkaskítur. Hann er líkast til orđinn dulítiđ sótthrćddur međ eintóma vel efnađa kórónuferđamenn í námunda viđ sig.
Í Danmörku er grímubann nema ađ í gangi sé grímuball, og má ţví búast viđ ţví ađ ţađ sé líka ţannig í fyrrverandi kólóníunni. En vaktfólk viđ öryggisgćslu á Keflavíkurfólki létu ţó ekki Kínverja taka ţessar grímur af sér og ţeir ekki skođađir eins vel niđur í kjölinn og ađrir ferđalangar.
Reyndar voru ţarna ýmis afbrigđi af grímum. Bláar og hvítar, en ţegar stór hópur, sem nćr allur bar svartar grímur, arkađi inn í Leifsstöđ, runnu á mig ţrjár grímur, ég skalf og kvikan fór af stađ álíka og í Ţorbirni.
Áđur en ég legg grímuna frá mér í ţetta sinn, ţá heyrđi ég einhvern tíman fróđan mann segja ađ Japanir hefđu fyrir siđ ađ setja ţessar varnargrímur á sig, frekar til ađ varna öđrum smiti en ađ verđa smitađir sjálfir. Ţess vegna hristist ég allur ţegar svartgrímur frá Kína gengu beint í flasiđ á mér. Vona ég ađ Kínverjar noti ţessar grímur á sama hátt en Japanir.
Enn er ég ekki kominn međ hita, niđurgang eđa uppsölu, og býst ţví ekki viđ ţví ađ maran Svartgríma ríđi mér um nćtur. En mađur veit ţó aldrei.
Ţađ er nú einu sinni svo, ađ farsóttir og pestir eru nauđsynleg afleiđing hjá ţjóđ sem sér akk í viđskiptum viđ útlendinga međ svartar grímur. Kínverjar fćra Íslendingum ţó nokkuđ í tómann ríkiskassann og ţađ fer ađ lokum í byggingu nýrra farsóttaspítala, ţegar embćttismenn eru búnir ađ taka fjórföld laun sín.
Alţýđulýđveldiđ og kapítalistaparadísin Kína er svo mikilvćgt land fyrir efnahag Íslands nú, ađ í Leifsstöđ er Kínverjum óskađ gleđilegs Kínaárs og ţađ geri ég líka. Ár rottunnar er gengiđ í garđ. Rottan er viljasterk og máttug.
Gleđilegt Rottuár!
Efst má sjá eina draumsýn helstu ferđalanga 19. aldar, Englendinga, sem létu sig dreyma um eldgos og sjóđandi hveri á Íslandi. Fornleifur karlinn festi nýveriđ kaup á laterna magica skyggnu frá ţví um 1880, án ţess ađ spyrja mig.
Á skyggnumyndinni má sjá drauma-Heklu, Geysi og Strokk. Ţađ vantar bara norđurljósin. Kannski hefur skyggn mađur málađ ţarna gos í Ţorbirni áriđ 2020. Allur pakkinn í einu alveg eins og nú og óvissustig og drepsóttir um síđir.
Bloggar | Breytt 28.1.2020 kl. 07:25 | Slóđ | Facebook | Athugasemdir (2)
Er Mogginn ađ verđa ađ vikapilti pólskra yfirvalda?
26.1.2020 | 06:37
Í Sunnudagsmogganum (26. janúar 2006, bls.4) birtist grein sem ég tel ađ gćti hafa veriđ betur skrifuđ og af meiri ţekkingu. Hún ber heitiđ Auschwitz og helfararinnar minnst.
Titillinn er ţví miđur örlítiđ misvísandi, vegna ţess ađ í greininni er alllangt og furđulegt innskot sem fjallar ađ miklu leyti um ásakanir á hendur Rússum en ekki Helförina. Nćsta mćtti halda ađ ritstjórn Morgunblađsins sé aftur komin á fulla ferđ í einhvers konar endurreisn á Kalda Stríđinu og ađ búiđ sé ađ vekja upp Rússagrýluna gömlu af vćrum svefni?
Íslensk helfararafneitum í Mogganum
Ţegar ég las greinina, minntist ég ţegar viđbragđa Moggans áriđ 1994 ţegar blađiđ hafđi birt nokkrar greinar eftir veikan mann út í bć sem var helfararafneitari í frístundum sínum. Í stađ ţess ađ vera í golfi eđa sundi, eyddi sá mađur tíma sínum í ađ halda ţví fram ađ gyđingar hefđu ekki veriđ myrtir í helför í síđari Heimsstyrjöld, og ađ fjöldi "látinna" gyđinga í stríđinu vćri gróflega ýktur. Mogginn gaf ţessum manni fastan dálk í Bréfum til blađsins hrópa á torg ţráhyggju sín til Íslendinga. Ađeins ţrír siđferđilega óbrenglađir Íslendingar andmćltu ţessum manni. Ţeir voru Örnólfur Thorlacius, Jóhann sem ţá var nemi í stjórnmálafrćđi í París en lćrđi löngu síđar til lćknis og starfar sem slíkur í Svíţjóđ í dag og ég sjálfur. En Mogginn bćtti svo um betur og taldi ţađ fullan rétt mannađ draga helförina í efa.
Pútín-verkur Morgunblađsins
Nú vill svo til ađ í frásögn Mogganum í dag er fariđ ađ stunda sögufölsun ađ hćtti PiS-flokksins, sem situr viđ stjórnvölin í Póllandi. Ţví hef ég lýst hér.
Sá sem greinina í Sunnudagsmoggann er Karl Blöndal ađstođarritstjóri Morgunblađsins, sem eitt sinn kallađi fallna í andgyđinglegum stríđrekstri Hamas "fórnarlömb fjöldamorđa" og átti ţar viđ Hamas og íbúa Gaza og ađ Ísrael fremdi fjöldamorđ (sjá hér).
Karl Blöndal hélt í vikunni sem leiđ stutt erindi á pallborđsumrćđum um helför gyđinga í Pólska sendiráđinu. Hér leyfi ég mér ađ vitna í innskot hans í Sunnudagsmogganum:
Minningarsamkoman í Jerúsalem hefur ýft deilu á milli Rússa og Pólverja um söguna.
Pútín hélt ţví ranglega fram ađ pólsk stjórnvöld hefđu átt í samráđi viđ Adolf Hitler, leiđtoga Ţýskaland, og veriđ međsekir um upphaf síđari heimsstyrjaldar.
Andrzej Duda, forseti Póllands, ákvađ ađ fara ekki til Jerúsalem eftir ađ honum var neitađ ađ ávarpa samkomuna. Vildi hann eiga ţess kosta ađ bregđast viđ ef Pútín skyldi endurtaka ţennan málflutning sinn.
Ţetta er afar furđulega einföldum á málsatriđum. Duda var fyrst og fremst reiđur yfir ţví ađ hann fengi ekki ađ tala í Jerúsalem eins og Pútín. En nú er ţađ einu sinni svo ađ Rússar frelsuđu Auschwitz, sem var veriđ ađ minnast, en ekki Pólverjar. Gyđingar um allan heim ţakka Rússum ţađ, en ŢAĐ gerir ekki gyđinga ađ Kommúnistum líkt og öfgamenn Austurevrópulanda í dag halda margir fram vegna andstyggđar sinnar á Rússum sem ţjóđ.
Pólverjar gerđu hins vegar fyrstir ríkja samning viđ Ţriđja Ríkiđ um ađ hvorugt landanna myndi hefja stríđ eđa árásir á hendur hinu. Viđ sjáum hvernig ţađ traust Pólverja á nasistum gerđi fyrir Pólverja. Nasistum er ekki hćgt ađ treysta, heldur ekki ţeim sem lifa á okkar tímum. Samning landanna undirritađi sendiherra Póllands í Berlín Józef Lipski. Pútín hefur lýst honum sem andgyđinglegu svíni og ég leyfir mér einnig ađ halda ţví fram, án ţess ađ ég sé á mála hjá Rússum eđa kommúnistum. Söguleg stađreynd liggur á bak viđ stór orđ Pútíns. Pútín er ekki ađ hvítţvo söguna, ţađ eru fyrst og fremst Pólverjar.
En sagnfrćđingar og ađrir sérfrćđingar verđa ađ hafa töglin og hagldirnar ţegar kemur ađ minningu um helförina. Slíkt á ekki ađ vera í höndum stjórnmálamanna, hvorki Pólverja sem afneita morđum Pólverja á Gyđingum eđa Vladimir Pútín sem heldur ţví fram ađ 40% gyđinga sem fórust í Helförinni hafi veriđ Rússar. Hvortveggja er rangt. Stjórnmálamenn eiga ţađ til ađ geta ekki lesiđ. Viđ ćttum ađ ţekkja ţá.
Á fundi sem haldinn var í Moskvu í desember í fyrra, sagđi Pútín ţađ sem satt var; ađ Pólverjar, sem á 4. áratugnum höfđu smátt og smátt veriđ ađ taka borgararéttin gyđinga frá ţeim, meina ţeim um nám í ćđri skólum og mannréttindi, látiđ sendiherra sinn Lipski ganga frá samningi viđ Ţjóđverja. Pútín benti réttilega á ađ Lipski sendiherra hefđi lofađ ađ setja upp styttu af Hitler í Varsjá fyrir ađ vilja senda Gyđinga til Afríku. Sendiherrann leit ađ gyđinga sem vandamál Póllands. Hann var gyđingahatari líkt og mikill fjöldi Pólverja og annarra milljóna annarra Evrópubúa og m.a. sumir sjálfstćđis- og framsóknarmenn á Íslandi. Pútín sagđi svo orđrétt um sendiherrann ađ hann hefđi veriđ "Bastarđur og andgyđinglegt svín, ţađ verđur ekki sagt á nokkurn annan hátt".
Lipski og Hitler á góđri stund. Hitler til vinstri.
Ţegar Ţjóđverjar tóku borgararéttindi af pólskćttuđum gyđingum í Ţýskalandi og gerđu ţá útrćka (ausgeburgert), ţá var Lipski tregur til ađstođar í byrjun, en snerist brátt hugur og tók virkan ţátt í ţví ađ gyđingum var safnađ saman í búđir og gettó á sérstökum svćđum í Póllandi. Hálfu öđru ári síđar voru ţessir gyđingar auđveld bráđ ađ leggja fyrir Ţjóđverja og skósveina ţeirra frá fjölda landa. Síđar var fólk leitt í milljóna mćli til slátrunar. Lipski og Pólverjar sem tóku viđ brottreknum gyđingum af pólskum uppruna (10 % gyđinga á ţýska "svćđinu") gerđu Ţjóđverjum létt fyrir ađ hefja helförina í Póllandi.
"Fínn pappír" eins og Adolf Eichmann hjá SS- Reichssicherheitshaubtamt sá m.a. um undirbúning Madagasgar-áćtlunarinnar: Eichmann ćtlađi SS ađ stjórna Madagasgar og gyđingum sem ţangađ voru sendir. En Ţjóđverjar fengu ađrar hugmyndir í kollinn og útrýming gyđinga hófst. Ţýskir vinir Lipskis reistu flest sláturhúsanna í Póllandi. Ţessi saga er öllum kunn og um hana hafa margir sagnfrćđingar ritađ.
En á ritstjórnargangi Moggans virđast bćkurnar vera orđnar úreltar, og líkast til frá tímum Kalda stríđins.
MUNIĐIĐ? Morgunblađiđ var einn ţeirra íslensku fjölmiđla, sem setti um tíma nćr algjört umfjöllunar og fréttabann, ţegar Stofnun Simon Wiesenthals í Ísrael óskađi eftir ţví viđ íslensk yfirvöld, ađ mál stríđsglćpamannsins Eđvalds Hinrikssonar (Evalds Miksons) yrđi tekiđ fyrir á Íslandi. Ţađ var líka óbeinn íslenskur antísemtítismi á ferđinni.
Pútín var ţví ekki ađ setja fram ósannleika eđa "lygafréttir" er hann lýsti Józef Lipski. En Karl Blöndal, ađstođarritstjóri Morgunblađsins, er ţví miđur ađ gera ţađ međ óvandađri heimildavinnu sinni.Karl Blöndal, ađstođarritstjóri Morgunblađsins
Ef A. Duda, forseti Póllands, vill ekki vera viđstaddur athöfn í Jerúsalem vegna ţess ađ Pólverjar ţola ekki ađ heyra sannleikann um Józef Lipski sendiherra Póllands 1934-1939, ţá er ţađ ekki Rússland sem er ađ endurrita söguna - ţađ eru Pólverjar. Núverandi stjórn í Póllandi, í einhverju uppblásnu ţjóđernisćđi, ţolir ekki ađ heyra sannleikann. Ţađ benti ég á í ritgerđ hér á bloggi mín um daginn.
Sendiherrann Lipski, sem gladdist yfir Madagaskar-vangaveltum nasista og ćtlađi sér ađ losa Pólland viđ gyđinga til Afríku, var skíthćll, gyđingahatari og illmenni. Ef Mogginn hefur ađrar og betri upplýsingar um ţennan mikla "heiđursmann", biđ ég vinsamlegast blađiđ ađ birta ţćr í stađ ţess ađ vera í hlutverki helfararafneitarans, sem hér um áriđ sem fékk fullan ađgang ađ blađinu međ óvćru sína í nafni skođana- og ritfrelsis.
Ţegar helfararafneitarinn fékk ađ viđra skođanir sínar bréfum til Morgunblađsins á 10. áratug síđustu aldar varđi einn ritstjórnarfulltrúa blađsins ţćr birtingar.
Annar íslenskur ritstjóri gekk lengra í túlkun á ábyrgđ manna á orđum sínum sem varđa viđ hegningarlög. Jónas Kristjánsson taldi sig hafa skođanafrelsi vegna ţess ađ hann var ekki laumupenni. Sjáiđ hér í grein minni í ritinu Antisemitism in the North (2020) á bls. 92-94, hvernig Jónas fór međ ţetta "frelsi" sitt. Afneitun á skipulagđa útrýmingu kynstofns/fólks af ákveđinni trúarsannfćringu eru alveg jafn mikill glćpur, hvort sem afneitunin er sett fram undir nafnleynd eđa undir réttu nafni. Glćpur er glćpur - undanţágur eru hins vegar fyrir siđlausa menn og ólöghlýđna.
Jónas heitinn Kristjánsson ritađi einnig eftirfarandi á margrómađ blogg sitt áriđ 2008: hefur lokađ bloggi nafnleysingjans Johnny vegna nazistaáróđurs hans og afneitunar á helför gyđinga. Vilhjálmur Örn Vilhjálmsson hefur beđiđ um opinbera rannsókn á ummćlum nafnleysingjans. Hvort tveggja er eđlilegt. Fjölmiđill eđa annar netţjónn getur ekki boriđ ábyrgđ á Johnny. Opinberir ađilar hljóta ađ upplýsa, hver er Johnny huglausi. Svo er ţađ allt annađ mál, ađ nafngreindu fólki er fyllilega heimilt ađ hafa hvađa skođanir sem er, einnig rangar skođanir. Menn eiga ađ fá ađ reka nazistaáróđur og afneita helförinni, bara ekki undir dulnefni. Í ţví felst skođanafrelsiđ.
Ađrir dándimenn, t.d. Haraldur heitinn Blöndal hćstaréttarlögmađur, fóru heldur ekki leynt međ skođanir sínar. Haraldur skrifađi ađ honum líkuđu rit hins margdćmda og alrćmda helfararafneitara David Irvings. Haraldur skrifađi meira ađ segja Irving sjálfum. Irving myndi ugglaust eiga góđa og náđuga ćvidaga á Íslandi ef hann flytti hingađ, ţar sem túlkun á lögum hér myndi vernda "rétt" hans til ađ hafa glćpsamlegar skođanir, vegna ţess ađ hann skrifar undir eigin nafni.
Er mikiđ ađ á Íslandi?... Já, vissulega. Ţiđ eruđ ekkert stikkfrí rétt viđ heimskautsbaug, landar mínir góđir. Íslensk lög eru ekki ţađ frábrugđin lögum annarra siđmenntađra ţjóđa, en ţau eru hins vegar oft túlkuđ harla léttvćgt af sumum siđlausum lögmönnum ţjóđarinnar.
*Myndin efst er frá bćnum Kielce, ţar sem pólskir, kristnir íbúar réđust á gyđinga í bćnum eftir lok stríđsins. Gyđingarnir sem myrtir voru í fjöldamorđunum í Kielce höfđu komist lífs af í fangabúđum og sneru aftur. Fjöldamorđin eru enn ekki viđurkennd af pólskum yfirvöldu og pólskur prestur í Keflavík sagđi viđ mig ţann 22. janúar 2020, ađ ţađ "vćri hćgt ađ rćđa áreiđanleika heimilda um morđin í Kielce". Hann sagđi fjöldamorđin í ţorpinu Jedwabne áriđ 1941 vera verk Ţjóđverja einna. Ćtli presturinn tali fyrir kaţólska menn á Íslandi, eđa hefur hann gleymt ađ Frelsari hans var gyđingur, móđir hans líka og líffrćđilegur fađir; Gleymt ţví ađ Guđ fađir hans sem lagđi ýmsar raunir á ćtt Frelsarans og kallađi ţá útvalda fyrir ţađ trúarbragđ. Ţađ var svo útleysanlegur gúmmítékki nćstu 2000 árin fyrir hatursmenn gyđinga á međal kristinna til ađ ná sér niđur á gyđingum sem útnefndir voru sem morđingjar Frelsarans. Veit Pater Keflavicensis hve mörg líf gyđinga kirkjan á á samviskunni?
Bloggar | Breytt 2.4.2020 kl. 06:14 | Slóđ | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
This is not about the weather in Reykjavík... This is a Holocaust-report from Iceland
23.1.2020 | 14:54
I am in Reykjavík for a few days. A strong winter storm is raging outside my window and its snowing too. Hail was hammering on the roof when I woke this morning. In Denmark they call similar weather conditions a catastrophe. But in Denmark they have never seen the likes of the weather in Reykjavík this morning. This is a kind of a weather which has hardened the folks in Iceland for 1100 years.
Yesterday, the weather was actually quite nice. All Sorts - rain, hail, sun, rain again and finally frost. I went to the first ever Holocaust-commemoration in Iceland, which was held in the Polish Embassy in Reykjavík in the evening. A full house ca 80 people attended. Even a few Polish nuns blessed the venue with their presence and the ambassador to the USA and the UK in Iceland came too.
Yesterday, I posted an essay on this blog, where a stated my concerns as a Holocaust-researcher for a venue held in the Polish Embassy. Unfortunately I was not wrong in my worries.
Here is what I witnessed:
An Icelandic professor of Literature from the University of Iceland compared Holocaust and other Genocides to Trump´s building the "Great" Wall of Trump.
A former Polish Ambassador to Israel warned against the politicisation of the Holocaust. Funny, that´s exactly what the Poles are doing these years. Their President, Andrzej Sebastian Duda, boycotted the the ceremonies for remembrance the liberation of Auschwitz which were held in Israel - because Putin was invited. The former Polish Ambassador to Israel proclaimed that now in 2020, when the last survivors of the Holocaust were nearly all dead, there was possibly a reason for an alternative approach to the commemoration of Holocaust.
A statement by Polish Ambassador in Iceland, whom I wrote about yesterday, telling the audience that the memorials on the Holocaust in Poland was a great financial burden for his country.
However, In his initial address to the participants when he was describing the Red Army´s rescue of the last prisoners alive in Auschwitz he had a very correct analyses of German war-crimes: Those soldiers, used to seeing all kinds of war atrocities, were dumbfounded after they had crossed the gate with the derisive inscription Arbeit macht frei.
While the panel was on the diplomatic notes, this could not be said about some members of the audience.
Catholic Priest Mikolaj Kecic commenting. An Icelandic Holocaust-revisionist showing his skin in the foreground.
A priest from the town of Keflavík south of the capital Reykjavík, Mikolaj Kecic of the parish of Pope John II south of Reykjavík, attended the commemoration. With a 20.000 strong Polish minority in a population of 350.000 in Iceland there is a demand for Catholic priests in predominately Lutheran Iceland. Pater Kecic made a direct comparison between the Holocaust and the "Israel´s treatment of the Palestinian". Pater Kecic addressed me after the venue and we had a friendly conversation, until I realized that the Polish Pater, whom I had responded to from the audience, told me that Poles did not kill Jews in in the 1941 massacre in Jedwabne, an that one could possibly also discuss the "so called" killing of Jews in Kielce just after the war.
A man, in the audience, a sturdy, Viking-type of an Icelander in his 60s, turned out to be a Holocaust denier. He claimed that only 300.000 Jews were killed in the Holocaust.
I repeat what I said in my essay yesterday. No regrets for what I wrote - and no repentance!
The only real remembrance were the wise words of the young Chabad-Rabbi in Iceland, Abraham Feldman, and the excellent talk be Anette Stahl from Sweden, who spoke about the fate of her family in Poland - Not to forget the fitting finishing remarks of US Ambassador Jeffrey Ross Gunter, who told the audience about members of his family who perished in the Holocaust and then punched the stupid remarks where Holocaust and other genocides were being compared to his president´s Wall plans by a professor at the University of Iceland.
A venue at an embassy of an EU-member state that doesn´t really want to face facts about its past and Polish ambassadors talking about gearing down Holocaust commemoration in Poland is a bad message to send to many Polish citizen living and working in Iceland. It is also a wrong message to send to the Icelanders on the ultimate Edge of the European continent. If Polish priests in Iceland tells me that no Polish people killed Jews in Jedwabne, his parishioners might agree. Are there more antisemites among the Poles in Iceland, who believe that the victims of the Holocaust are to be compared to Nazis?
My believe in human goodness allows me to be sure that only a minority of the Polish nation is destroying historic memory for all the rest in the modern and progressive part of Polish Society.
Your corrupt ways had finally made you blind
I can´t remember your face anymore
Your mouth has changed
Your eyes don´t look into mine
The priest wore black on the seventh day
And sat stone-faced while the building burned
I waited for you on the running boards
Near the cypress trees, while the springtime turned
Slowly [Quickly in some versions] into autumn
Bloggar | Breytt 21.4.2020 kl. 17:11 | Slóđ | Facebook | Athugasemdir (4)
Should the Embassy of Poland in Reykjavík really host a panel discussion on the Holocaust?
22.1.2020 | 07:47
An Essay by Vilhjálmur Örn Vilhjálmsson
Today, 22 January 2020, the first ever public discussion on the Holocaust will take place in Iceland. The panel discussion has received the following title: 75 years from the Liberation of Auschwitz on the importance of remembering the Holocaust. The venue will be housed at the Polish Embassy in Reykjavík, the northrenmost outpost of the present Polish Government - a government busy rewriting and whitewashing Polish WWII history and denying facts about Polish atrocities during WWII.
I find it difficult to imagine that there will be any mention of the fact that Poles killed Jews during WWII, and most often without orders from the German occupants. Polish atrocities were a part of the Holocaust, and cannot be denied. But airing views on those atrocities is a criminal offences in Poland. The Polish Government denies that Poles killed Jews during WWII.
Modern Polish State revisionism
Is it ethical of the Polish Embassy to house an event on the Holocaust, when the Polish Government dismisses the fact that up to 100.000 Jews fell prey to the local helpers and collaborators of the Germans, or were murdered under various unexplained circumstances?
Is a government that interferes in historial research and rewrites history by denying all claims regarding Polish participation in the Holocaust the right host for a Holocaust panel?
The Polish Governent´s deplorable response to facts is that the historians, who claim Poles killed Jews during WWII are Jews or of Jewish extent and argue that they are all biassed. Historians like the late Szymon Datner as well as Jan Gross, Barbara Engelking and Jan Grabowski, who in his great book Hunt for the Jews (2013), are all branded by their Jewish or partly Jewish background.
Whily engaged in a massive rewriting of Polish History, the present Polish government reject factual, sober and highly esteemed research on the Polish crimes against the Jewish population of Poland from 1939 to 1945. They call Grabowski a liar when he estimates that Polish peasants, who participated in German-organized Judenjagden, (hunts for Jews), killed thousands of Jews, and that approximately 80% of the Jews who attempted to hide from the Germans ended up being killed by Poles or turned in by them. These mass-murders is an internationally recognized fact, but is dismissed by a government in a present-day EU state.
In the photograph at the beginning of this essay, one can see members of the so called Blue Police (Granatowa policja) fraternizing with German soldiers. If Jews fell into the hands of the Blue Police they faced certain death. Death by the hands of the fellow countrymen.
What the Polish government is expressing these days, is an outright antisemitic statement that Jews cannot be trusted to write about their sufferings in Poland. The above mention historians and others, who aren´t Jews, live in fear that they might loose their positions, be fined or even be jailed if their research doesn´t fit into the revisionist Polish historical perception of today.
Iceland and the Holocaust
Iceland too has a problem with the Holocaust. Icelanders generally do not think the Holocaust is any of their business, although the country with a micro-population had a Nazi Party, Governments expelled Jewish refugees to Germany and Icelanders joined the Waffen-SS.
In late January 2000, Iceland participated together with representatives from 44 other nations at the Stockholm International Forum on the Holocaust. A treaty was signed, and the participants promised education, remembrance and research on the Holocaust in their respective countries.
Iceland, unfortunately, never implemented any of the statements nor realized the pledges it signed at the Stockholm Forum. Education on the Holocaust has not become a part of the curriculum in Icelandic schools. Iceland promised to strengthen its efforts to promote education, remembrance and research on the Holocaust. At the same time Anti-Semitism has been on the increase in Iceland (See here and here). That is a reason for concerns, now when the very few Jews living in Iceland have created a cradle for Jewish worship in Iceland with the help of the Chabad movement.
No open venues on the Holocaust have taken place until now, when the Polish Embassy in Iceland provides a scenario for such an event. At the same time the Embassy represents a Government that denies that Poles killed Jews during WWII.
Icelandic Holocaust resarch takes place abroad
Since the turn of the Century, only a couple of independent Icelandic scholars have written on matters of the Holocaust, without any support from Icelandic authorities. I count myself as one of these few scholars.
I was the first Icelandic scholar to be invited to work on Holocaust-related research. Not in Iceland, but at the Danish Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies. There, I researched my findings on the lives and fates of Jews who were victims of Danish expulsion from Denmark 1940-43, which were carried out without any demands or pressure from the Nazi-occupants of Denmark. My research was published in my book Medaljens Bagside (The back side of the Coin). I have also written papers in English on the History of the Jews in Iceland as well as on Antisemitism in Iceland (see here and here). For a while, I was Editor in Chief of Rambam, the Journal of the Danish Jewish Historical Society, and the initiator of the Stolpersteine project in Denmark, which finally was realized in 2019. Occasionally I have done research work together with Dr. Efraim Zuroff the Director of the Simon Wiesenthal Center in Jerusalem. Now I am in the process of finalizing a volume on the the correspondence of the Glucksman-family at 6 Walicow in the Warsaw Ghetto. In the book I will publish with Francizska and Wanda Glucksmans letter to son and brother Dr. Stefan Glücksman. He had travelled to Denmark in 1939 to learn Danish. The Danish authorities expelled Stefan in January 1941 for being a "Polish Jew". He was killed in the SS-slave camp at Gross-Rosen, southwest of Wroclow of 24 October 1941.
20 years after the Stockholm Forum
Is there a light at the end of a very dark tunnel?
The ambassador of the Republic of Poland in Iceland, Gerard Pokruszynski joins hand with Abraham Feldman the rabbi of the the Chabad movement in Iceland and the School of Humanities (Hugvísindasviđ) [Faculty of Arts] at the University of Iceland. They invite the Icelandic public to a panel discussion on the Holocaust in the Polish Embassy at Ţórunnartún 2 in Reykjavík, Wednesday 22 January, at 17:30.
I, of course as a serious Icelandic Holocaust researcher, had expected to be invited as one of the speakers, if such an event would ever be suggested by anyone in Iceland. But no. I am probably not welcome in the Polish Embassy in Reykjavík. My views might be criminal in Poland of today.
Very aware that Poland´s Senate approved a controversial bill in 2018, making it illegal to accuse the Polish nation or The Polish State of complicity in the Nazi Holocaust, I will still dare to claim that Poles killed Jews, their neighbours in Poland during WWII. It is not illegal to tell the truth in Iceland.
That sayd, I respect very highly all the thousands of Poles who made a great effort to fight Nazism and to rescue their fellow citizens, the Jews.
However, the bill of the Polish government originally prescribed fines or a maximum three-year jail term as punishment. After international pressure on Poland the jail sentence was allegedly removed from the bill, which was passed in January 2018 (see here) by President Andrzej Duda. The presidents proclaimed that Poland had the right "to defend historical truth". The very same Mr. Duda has now decided not to participate in an International ceremony in Israel this week to remember that 75 year have past since the liberation of Auschwitz. That is a shame!
How does one really manage to defend historical truth in the EU-state of Poland, and all the atrocities committed by Germans and others on Polish soil?
For some years now, when ultra-nationalists in their thousands march the streets of major cities in Poland together with Polish neo-Nazis and foreign Nazi-party members, is Poland showing any understanding of the Holocaust? These marches are accepted by the Polish Government.
When I hear that my colleagues, both Jewish and Polish historians, are being threatened with legal measures and are being fired from their positions for telling the truth - or only trying to keep it above the nationalistic sentiments of the Modern Polish Government, I am personally worried that the official Poland has a totally different view of the Holocaust than most states in Europe.
In 2019 the entire world saw a footage from an annual Easter-time amusement of the citizens in the Southern Polish town of Pruchnik. The amusement consists of a march, where the young as well as the elderly hang a large effigy symbolizing Judas Iscariot depicted as an orthodox Jew from the gallows, after which they beat the effigy and drag it through the streets of their town, finally to put on fire.
I do not believe that all parts of Polish society, together with its present Government, have comprehended what happened in Poland 80-75 years ago due to ultra-Nationalism and Antisemitism. Authorities, who do not put a permanent stop to such religious "amusements" do not live up to the promises they made together with e.g. Iceland in Stockholm in year 2000.
Posters with the "New" Polish History in Reykjavík 2019
The Museum of the Second World War in Gdansk (Muzeum II Wojny Swiatowej) opened in 2017. A renowned historian, Dr. Pawel Machcewicz, was appointed the director of the Museum. Very soon after the opening the PiS party (The Law and Justice Party) in the Government started interference into the historical agenda of the museum. The PiS-party, which had come to power in Polands elections two years earlier, found an international focus on the war unbearable, preferring to promote a version of WWII history that would airbrush real history and glorify the Polish nation instead.
The minister of culture and national heritage, Piotr Glinski, dismissed the museum director Pawel Machcewicz. A new director, Karol Nawrocki, set about altering the main exhibition without consulting its authors. The revised approach under Warsaw government direct rule, was to emphasize the glorification of Polish military actions and to portrait Poland as a righteous nation. The museum now became a monument to national martyrology. New government puppet, Nawrocki, for example, replaced a filmed summary of civilians experiences during the war with another film altogether, in which the soundtrack includes claims that can only be described as propaganda, with phrases such as: we saved Jews; we give life in the name of dignity and freedom; we were betrayed; the pope gave hope of victory; communists lost; we won and we do not beg for freedom, we fight for it.
The severely rewritten and white-washed version of Polish history washed ashore in Iceland in the fall of 2019. This road-show of posters from the Museum of World War II History in Gdansk was dearly welcomed with no criticism from anybody at the University of Iceland. Needless to mention, none of the posters mentioned Poles killing Jews by the thousands. The purpose with the posters was clear:
An introduction to the poster-exhibition from the Government-ruled World War II Museum in Gdansk. It´s all about Polish bravery and suffering, where the Jewish Poles are a mere footnote.
I could not find this Polish Wehrmacht-soldier on any of the posters of the Museum of World War II poster-exhibit in Reykjavík. All collaboration with the Germans as well as atrocities against Jews by the hands of Poles is a tabu. Poles only rescued Jews according to the rewritten history of the Polish Government and its servile historians.
All of the above worries me, in the same manner as when the Polish government interferes in the work of Polish judges, and thereby interferes with one of the main principals of independent courts, the backbones of a democratic society.
The author of this essay visited the poster-exhibit at the University of Iceland and found all the criticism of the Polish Government rewriting of history to be true. The sufferings of the Jews had been condenced down to few lines on two posters. That kind of obfuscations of history, to fit into a populist taste of the present Polish Government is unacceptable to the rest of the World.
Facing the facts
Let´s remember that Poland regained it possibility of becoming a democratic state only 30 years ago after Soviet suppression. Wounds have to be healed. Lets face it: It took most Western-European countries up to 70 years to face bleak facts about their role during WWII and their citizens willing participation in the killing of 6 million Jews. Lets be reasonable and large; It will possibly also take Poland several decades fully to come to terms with its stained past.But the process seems to be going the wrong way.
The Baltic States are also having great difficulties facing their Nazi collaboration past. For instance Lithuania seems to be on the brink of demanding the same kinds of laws as Poland, where people can be jailed by telling the truth about Lithuaninan atrocities. The intention is to be able to praise Jew-murderers, some of whom also took part in the fight against the Soviets before the advent of the Germans.
A part of Hungarian society has not learnt from history either, and even Denmark, to mention a Western European State, has great difficulties facing her past with the countrie´s Nazi collaboration, which nowadays most often is mentioned as a beneficial co-operation. Parts of the WWII archives of Denmark are still closed and the access heavily restricted. The reluctance to mention the Danish expulsions of Jews or the massive Danish enlisting into the Waffen-SS is a problem still unsolved. A new School of Danish Historians believe that if other nations had followed Denmark´s example, the fate of those countries´ Jews would not have been as horrible as it was (see here).
The question is: Can Poland recover from these absurd history-rewriting efforts, in time to prevent hate-speech and Nazi-marches turning into bloody action? Let´s hope Poland can find a path out of the dim bogs of racism and cocky nationalism as well as its outdated religious superstition.
A letter from Warsaw of 11 December 1939
To those, who are visiting the Polish Embassy on Wednesday 22. January 2020 to follow the panel discussion, and hopefully ask questions and learn, I want to tell about a letter from 1939.
It is not about the Polish killings of Jews, but yet the facts it contains would neither have made it on to the Polish Government-exhibition which was sent to Iceland in the fall of 2019. The letter tells us about Polish theft from Jews during the first month of the German occupation of Poland in September 1939. It will appear in a new book I am working on.
Franciszka Glücksman, a Jewish woman in the Praga suburb of Warsaw wrote to her son Stefan Glücksman on 11 December 1939 about the ordeals she and her daughter Wanda had lived through from the 8 until the 28 of September 1939. On 8 September Poles drove them out of their rented apartment on 7 Folwarczna in the Praga, a suburb of Warsaw: When Warsaw gave up in the fight against the Germans on September 28 1940, the Jews from Praga, who had been forced to leave their homes could return back:
On the 8th of September we were forced to walk to Warsaw by foot. Because Aunt Sophie and Uncle Henryk were in the countryside, we lived with Waclaw.... On the 28 September we went back home (also by foot), but the apartment was unfortunately occupied and we were forced to stay in the cellar, without being able to sleep and for two days we didn´t eat anything, because one could not buy anything. The next day they allowed us to sit in the Kitchen, and when we entered it, we saw that our winter-coats had been laid out on the floor preparing to take them away. Both of your winter coats were already gone. When the apartment was finally free, we realized that we had been totally robbed.
Wanda also wrote in the same letter:
... The best of our things have been stolen, both yours and ours (Stefan had had a burglary in his rented room in Copenhagen), Henryk Kelter [a friend of the family and relative of the publisher Chaim Kelter, who published the fist work of the father of Esperanto, Ludwik Lazar Zamenhof] has also been robbed and the apartment of his son was set afire with all the interior burning.
Death on the doorsteps in the Warsaw Ghetto. A body of a´Musselmann´ Walicow 10 in autumn of 1941. Franceszka and Wanda Glücksman were housed at 6 Walicow number 6.
A list of items stolen from Franciszka and Wanda Glücksman by the Polish squatters and thieves, followed in Franciszka´s part of the letter. Fanciszka and Wanda managed to borrow 200 zl. from the Norwegian Embassy, and the Embassy also kindly arranged for sending their letter to Stefan Glücksman
Later in 1940, after further robberies committed by Poles, now encouraged by the Germans, the Jews outside the future Ghetto in Warsaw were ordered to move into the area soon to become the WWII ghetto of Warsaw. It was was closed and sealed on 15 November 1940. Franciszka and Wanda were housed in Mrs. Feldman´s apartment together with many other persons, at Walicow nr. 6, the rear building, in apartment number 61. The end for Franciszka and Wanda was getting close: They were most likely deported to (The German) Treblinka death camp in July 1942 and killed.
According to the present government of Poland, the Poles did nothing wrong towards the Jews during WWII. They only saved them according to the WWII Museum in Gdansk. The PiS government also denies the atrocities in Jedwabne and Kielce in the same manner the Turks deny the genocide of the Armenians.
Was Mrs. Glücksman lying to her son, when she wrote about robbery and pillage committed by her Polish neighbours ? I would kindly ask the Polish Ambassador to Iceland to give his evaluation on Wednesday? Note that this is of course a very delicate matter for Mr. Pokruszynski: Depending on what he thinks or believes. He might risk being prosecuted and even sentenced to jail, if he believes what Mrs. Glücksman wrote - and why should he not believe here?
Ambassador Pokruszynski, the host of the Reykjavík Holocaust-Panel
As an ambassador for the Polish government, Gerard Pokruszynski is most likely follows the line of his Government rulings and laws. Hopefully he has to speak against his conviction, if he claims that Poles didn´t rob Jewish property in September 1939 and that Poles didn´t kill Jews during WWII.
In 2014 Ambassador Pokruzynski attended a most peculiar ceremony in the Ukraine, which somewhat reminds one of a masquerade. The victory over the Tatars, a Muslim group that had resided in Lithuania and Poland in the Late Middle Ages. The Ukrainians were remembering Polish knights and noblemen, who had fled from The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth into the area of present Ukraine and the their victories over the Muslim Tatar armies. Caught in fights between Tatars, Polish knights and and Cossacks and their Polish vassals like Bohdan Khmelnytsky, thousands of Jews lost their lives in a brutal carnage. While the Muslim Tatars generally had good contacts with Jews, the Polish Knights and the Cossacks slaughtered Jews.
Ambassador Gerard Pokruszynski, who in Reykjavik in 2020 is hosting a remembrance of the Holocaust, in 2014 proudly remembered 17th Century Jew-killers of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. He represents a country, which in 2018 apart from being antisemitic was found to have the highest rates of Islamophobia in Europe. Since the Muslim community in Poland is very small (0.1% of the population), the situation has been described as "Islamophobia without Muslims".
Ambassador Gerard Pokruzynski remembering 17th century Polish Knights - and Muslim killers - in the Ukraine in 2014 (See here).
After Icelandic Web-weekly Stundin wrote about the nationalist and Neo-Nazi marches in Poland in November 2018, ambassador Pokruzynski wrote the following statement:
Poles spontaneously showed an attachment to national colours and worshipped their independent homeland 100 years after its creation. I am amazed that the author of the article [in Stundin] used the words" Nazis "and" fascists " for Polish patriots. How is it possible in public space in democratic Iceland, that such terms can be used so freely about ordinary citizens and they accused of having connections with the German crime machine?
Neo-Nazis march in Warsaw, 2018.
Furthermore, ambassador Pokruzinski said there was no outbreak of nationalism in Poland and implied that the article on Stundin could destroy the good relations between Poland and Iceland. He demanded an official apology from Icelandic authorities (see here) for an article published on an independent website.
Hate and ignorance unfortunately seems to be the order of the day in certain political spheres in Polish society. Honouring victories over Lithuanian-Polish Muslims, the Tatars in 1672 when expressing modern Islamophobia is a very strange way of showing Democratic maturity in a modern EU-member/European state. The modern day praise of Jew-killers and Tatar-slayers of the 17th century in Poland and the Ukraine, is a wrong signal to send the world, if your country proclaims a democratic status in Europe of today. - Unless if one misses the totalitarian and suppressing times under the Nazis or the Soviets, or one dreams about the dark ages of ignorance and superstition when blaming minorities and killing them in pogroms was a part of life and religion.
Allow me to repeat the wise words of the President of Iceland, Mr. Guđni Th. Jóhannesson, when he attended an International Commemoration ceremony in Poland on 1 September 2019:
There is nothing new about bellicose factions exploiting fear and malice, mistrust and hostility. They corrupt true patriotism and pervert feelings of national pride into chauvinism and xenophobia. We have seen many such examples, and they have lessons to teach us, which we should bear in mind, now and always. (Please read the address in its full length here).
Please take care Poland!
Bloggar | Breytt 10.2.2020 kl. 08:32 | Slóđ | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
Ţórshöfn í Fćreyjum 1905-1906
9.1.2020 | 21:34
Tórshavn (Ţórshöfn), höfuđborg Fćreyja, er merkur bćr og vinalegur, og ávallt er gaman er ađ koma ţangađ. Ţađ verđur ađ viđurkennast ađ nokkuđ langt er síđan ég var ţar síđast - en mig langar oft til Fćreyja. Ég verđ líklega ađ bćta úr ţví bráđlega til ađ geta kallađ íbúanna frćndur mína. Reyndar halda ţeir í heiđri minningu eins frćnda míns, sem reist hefur veriđ stytta á einu ađaltorgi bćjarins. Hann var ćttađur úr Örfirisey, áđur en sú merka eyja varđ ađ fríhöfn kramkaupmanna, hörmungara og ţjófa. Les má meira um ćtt flóttamannanna í ćtt minni, sem settust ađ í Fćreyjum hér.
Fyrir rúmu ári keypti ég gamla ljósmynd af Tórshavn, sem er frá byrjun 20. aldar, Ţađ vćri auđvitađ ekki í frásögur fćrandi, ef myndin vćri ekki í lit. Reyndar er ţetta handlituđ glerskyggnumynd.
Danskur ljósmyndari, Vilhelm Pagh Richter (f. 1879), seldi glerskyggnur fyrir Laterna Magica sýningarvélar. Myndin af Tórshavn er frá fyrirtćki hans í Kaupmannahöfn. Fćstar ţeirra skyggnumynda tók hann samt sjálfur.
Sama myndin sem ég á er til á Ţjóđminjasafni Dana (hér fyrir ofan og einnig hér), en ekki í lit. Hún er ekki tímasett nákvćmar en til tímabilsins 1900-50. Mynd Ţjóđminjasafnsins í Kaupmannahöfn kom fyrir nokkrum árum frá litlu safni á Orř, sem er eyja innarlega á Ísafirđi (Isefjorden) á Sjálandi. Ţađ var allri safnastarfsemi hćtt fyrir nokkrum árum síđan.
Myndin var í tréöskju merktri "Fćrřerne". Í öskjunni var einnig seđill, listi yfir 57 skyggnumyndir frá Skotlandi, Skosku eyjunum og Fćreyjum. Sömuleiđis var í öskjunni blađ međ stuttum fyrirlestri um Fćreyjar, sem lesa mátti ţegar myndirnar voru sýndar.
Á Ţjóđminjasafni Dana (Nationalmuseet) hafa menn ekki enn gert sér ekki grein fyrir ţví ađ Vilhelm Pagh Richter tók langt frá ţví allar ţćr myndir sem hann seldi sem Laterna Magica seríur. Fyrirtćki hans seldi til ađ mynda skyggnumyndir í byrjun 20. aldar, sem t.d. voru teknar af skoskum leiđangri sem ferđađist viđ Grćnlandsstrendur á 9. áratug 19. aldar. Richter setti nafn sitt á myndirnar, en átti ekkert í ţeim. Ţćr myndir höfđu um tíma veriđ seldar af fyrirtćkjum á Bretlandseyjum í lok 19. aldar líkt og skyggnumyndaseríur frá Ísland (sjá hér).
Fćreyskur sérfrćđingur kemur til hjálpar
Hér verđur bćtt um betur hvađ varđar aldursgreiningu á myndinni minni af Ţórshöfn. Góđur kunningi minn hér í nágrenni viđ mig í Danmörku, Ragnar M. Egholm, sem er Fćreyingur međ stóru F-i hefur aldursgreint myndina. Ragnar gat ţegar sagt mér hve gömul myndin er og hér eru rök Ragnars: Ţar sem Safnađarheimiliđ (Menighedshuset) er á myndinni, er hún tekin eftir 1896, ţví ţá var byggingu ţess lokiđ - en myndin er tekin fyrir 1906 ţegar pósthúsiđ var reist, en ţađ er ekki međ á myndinni.
Restin var auđveld. Á annarri mynd í Fćreyjaseríu Vilhelms Pagh Richters er skyggnumynd af tveimur breskum kafbátum sem heimsóttu eyjarnar. Einkennisstafir annars ţeirra sést og er ţar á ferđinni HMS C1, sem hleypt var af stokkunum áriđ 1905. Líklegast er ţví ađ myndin af Tórshavn sé frá 1905 frekar en 1906, en gćti veriđ tekin síđar, ţar sem myndirnar í sérí V.Pagh Richters eru ađ öllum líkindum ekki allar frá sama tíma.
HMS C1 viđ Fćreyjar 1905 eđa 1906. Ţađ gćti ţó veriđ síđar, ţar sem myndirnar í seríu V. Richters eru augsjáanlega ekki allar frá sama tíma. Kafbáturinn C1 var í ţjónustu Royal Navy frá 1905 til 1918.
Ragnar M. Egholm bćtti heldur um betur er hann upplýsti, ađ myndin hefđi vafalaust veriđ tekin frá götunni Heygsbreyt, ca. viđ gatnamótin viđ Dalaveg. Stóri steinninn sem sést fremst á myndinni er enn til stađar og stendur í garđinum hjá ćttingja Ragnars, Debes Danberg.
Mynd skyggna er merkt sem nr. 11 Thorshavn og ţykist ég nokkuđ heppinn ađ hafa náđ í hana, ţví fćreyskir vinir mínir hafa sopiđ hveljur og fariđ og náđ í grindarskutla sína ţegar ţeir hafa séđ höfuđstađ sinn í allri sinni dýrđ á mynd minni. Ég skil ţá vel ... Og nú hef ég hćkkađ verđiđ á ţessari "fornleifđ" minni međ ţessari grein. Eins og allir vita er Tórshavn dýr bćr, en ţó ekki eins dýr og Reykjavík.
Hér fyrir neđan eru svo nokkrar ađrar skemmtilegar myndir úr Fćreyjasyrpu ţeirri sem Vilhelm Richter seldi í byrjun aldarinnar, sem komu frá safni á Orř og eru nú varđveittar á Ţjóđminjsafninu í Kaupmannahöfn. Myndirnar voru ugglaust ekki teknar af honum sjálfum.
Ţessi mynd í syrpu sem V.Pagh Richter seldi virđist í fljótu bragđi miklu yngri en yfirlitsmyndin af Ţórshöfn. En ég er ekki viss.
Ljósmyndafornleifafrćđi | Breytt 10.1.2020 kl. 05:51 | Slóđ | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
Gerđi Heydrich jafntefli viđ KR - og spćldi eisini bóld í Havn?
3.1.2020 | 17:53
Sko, nú eru fram komnir verulegir "trupulleikar" eins og ţađ heitir í Fćreyjum. Ţađ eru nefnilega komin einhver vandrćđi í sannsöglina og nákvćmnina í frásagnarlistina á tveimur merkum eyjum í norđri, og eiginlega er nóg komiđ af ţví góđa.
Fyrir Jólin (2019) kom út bók Illuga Jökulssonar Úr undirdjúpunum til Íslands: Julius Schopka, U-52 og heimsstyrjöldin fyrri. Í jólabókaflóđinu, og í tengslum viđ umrćđu Illuga og annarra um bókina hans, hefur ţví veriđ haldiđ á lofti ađ Reinhard Heydrich, sem síđar á ćvinni varđ einn af samverkamönnum Hitlers, hefđi leikiđ knattspyrnu í Reykjavík er hann var sjóliđsforingjaefni um borđ á ţýska herskipinu Berlin sem kom til landsins. Hann Heydrich og félagar hans gerđu víst jafntefli viđ KR, ef Illugi skal trúarlegur tekinn (sjá hér).
En nú hafa Fćreyingar, frćndur vorir, bćtt um betur og hann Heydrich á nú ađ hafa leikiđ tvo leiki í Ţórshöfn.
Á Ríkisútvarpi Fćreyja KVF (Kringvarpi Fřroya), hefur blađamađurinn Uni Arge flutt ţátt ţar sem ţví er haldiđ fram ađ Heydrich hafi einnig leikiđ knattspyrnu í Tórshavn: Slaktarin úr Prag í Norđuratlanshavi er heiti ţáttarins og hann er kynntur á eftirfarandi hátt, sem öllum mörlöndum ćtti ađ vera skiljanlegt:
Ein frásřgn um, tá iđ nazisturin Reinhard Heydrich spćldi bólt í Havn.
Uni Arge upplýsir ađ Heydrich hafi veriđ liđsmađur í liđi um borđ á Berlín sem bar nafniđ Manning 22 og ađ hann hafi leiki viđ HB (Havnar Bóltfélag) í Fćreyjum. Ţađ mun ţó hafa veriđ ritsjóri Una sem tók sér ţađ bessaleyfi ađ skrifa ađ Heydrich hafi spćlt bolta í Tórshavn. Uni tók ritsjórann afsíđis og lét breyta textanum í fréttinni sem nú er ekki samur og hann ver í byrjun, ţegar ég tók sjámyndina af fréttinni. Vinnubrögđin eru nćstum ţví alveg eins og á RÚV.
Er ég gerđi fyrst athugasemd viđ ţetta fótboltastand Heydrichs á FB Illuga Jökulssonar drógu ţá bćđi Illugi og Uni nokkuđ í land og Uni Arge ritađi jafnframt:
Ég er ekki ađ segđa ađ hann var međ í fótbóltanum gegn HB - bara kannski. Ég er ađ tala um tíma hans međ Berlin frá juli 1923 til mars 1924 - sem kom hingađ 29. juli og fór til Íslands 1. august. Um ţetta er enginn vafi. Heydrich og Canaris međ Berlin - ţađ er sagan. Samt verđur í ţessum ţátti talađ um leikirnar HB-Berlin 30. juli (1-1) og 31. juli (5-2) í Ţorshöfn - allt samkvćmt Dimmalćtting og Tingakrossi í august 1923 og bókum HB´s. Hvort Heydrich var ađ keppa í Gundadali skiptir reyndar engum máli. Hann kynntist Canaris međ Berlin, og Berlin var í Fćreyjum og á Íslandi frá 29. juli til 20. august 1923.
Ţađ skiptir reyndar öllu máli ađ vera nákvćmur í heimildameđferđ og ţađ gildir ekki síst fyrir blađamenn.
Heilmikiđ hefur veriđ ritađ um Heydrich og íţróttaáhuga hans og samkvćmt öllum heimildum kemur glögglega fram ađ hann var ekki gott efni í liđsmann í knattspyrnuliđiđ. Hans styrkur í íţróttunum var ađeins svo sem svo, og hann stundađi fyrst og fremst sund, hnefaleika, skíđamennsku og skylmingar - og gott er ekki er var hann međ skylmingaör á einni kinninni eđa á annarri rasskinninni.
"Bubi" rotar Heydrich, enda snapađi foringinn sér fćting.
Margir sagnfrćđingar hafa rakiđ feril Heydrichs í ţýska sjóhernum, á einn eđa annan hátt. Hjá ţeim kemur jafnan fram ađ hann var algjör einfari sem enga vini átti. Menn hentu gaman af ofstćki hans í kynţáttamálum og jafnframt útlit hans, sér í lagi langt nef og ankannalegur vöxtur, var í ţví sambandi notađ gegn honum og hann spottađur međ ţví ađ vera sífellt kallađur gyđingur og sígauni. Ţađ voru sömuleiđis ortar háđsvísur um hann og honum var haldiđ utan brćđralags sjóliđanna.
Í bók Shlomo Aronson (1971): Reinhard Heydrich und die Frühgeschichte von Gestapo und SD. [Studien zur Zeitgeschichte; Herausgegeben vom Institut für Zeitgeschichte. Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt] Stuttgart. Ţar kemur fram góđ persónulýsing á Heydrich á yngri árum:
... Freunde hatter er in der Crew - soweit ich mich erinnern kann - keine. Er war ingendwie anders als wir... Das fühlte er auch, und deshalb pflegte er sich einem Kreis Abwerhaltung zu nähern.
"Félagar" Heydrichs í sjóhernum kölluđu hann m.a. til háđungar hvíta Gyđinginn (Der weisse Jude) og annar félaginn skrifađi um hann:
In unserem Jahrgang galt Heydrich mehr oder minder als Jude, weil ein anderer aus Halle stammender Crewkamerad erzählte, dass die Familie früher ´Süss´ geheissen habe und dass dies in Halle bekannt sei.
Allar ţessar gróusögur grasseruđu vegna ţess ađ Heydrich var vćgast sagt afar leiđinlegur og ófélagslegur mađur, sem sjálfur kallađi ţetta ađkast yfir sig. Hann gekk í sjóherinn til annars en ađ spila fótbolta; Sjóherinn var ađeins stökkbretti fyrir framagosann Reinhard Heydrich. Í annarri bók um Heydrich kemur ţetta fram um háttalag hans í enskri ţýđingu:
"Vanity, complacency, coquetry, weak-heartedness and hypersensitivity were conspicuous traits of his character. He soon became an easy target for bullying for all his comrades. And he always reacted the wrong way.
"Skíđakappinn" Heydrich. Efst sjáiđ ţiđ "hnefaleikakappann" Heydrich. Heilbrigđ sál í hraustum líkama eđa egótrippi? Minnir dálítiđ á Andra Slyddu í Ölpunum.
Sko krakkar, svo ég láni nú eitt af beittustu stílbrögđum Illuga Jökulssonar: Ţeir sem trúađ hafa ţví fyrir jólin á Íslandi, ađ Heydrich hafi leikiđ knattspyrnu viđ KR í Reykjavík; og ţeir Fćreyingar sem nú halda ađ hann hafi líka veriđ í fótboltaleik í Ţórshöfn, verđa ađ róa sig. Mér ţykir líklegra ađ Heydrich hafi faliđ sig á klósettinu um borđ á Berlín á ytri höfninni í Reykjavík og Tórshavn og kennt gyđingum um ófarir sínar.
Nú tók Heydrich sem betur fer ekki ţátt í Fyrri heimstyrjöld líkt og Julius Schopka, hann varđ ţví ekki stríđsglćpamađur fyrr en síđar. En kafbátahernađur sá sem Schopka tók ţátt í var ekki eintóm rómantík. Ţjóđverjar grönduđu skipum á grimman hátt ţótt "gentlemennastríđ" hafi enn veriđ háđ í Evrópu. Kafteinar kafbátanna ađvöruđu oft skip áđur en ţeir sökktu ţeim. Schopka lýsir ţví i dagbókum sínum, hvernig hann tók ţátt í sprengingu danska skipsins Ansgar á Miđjarđarđhafi. 11. apríl 1917, tók Júlíus Schopka nefnilega ţátt í óţarfa níđingsverki. Sjóliđar kafbátsins komu fyrir sprengjum um borđ í Ansgar frá Marstal og hófu einnig íkveikju á tveimur stöđum um borđ. Reyndar fengu skipverjar ađ yfirgefa skipiđ.
Danska skipiđ var ekki í flutningum fyrir andstćđinga Ţjóđverja í stríđinu. Fyrst leyfđi kapteinninn á kafbátinum ađ sigla, en skipti svo um skođun. Ţetta er allt hćgt ađ finna í samtímaheimildum í dönskum skýrslum um skipaskaskađa áriđ 1917 sem og í dönskum fjölmiđlum - alt heimildir sem hćgt er ađ nálgast á netinu. Ansgar var reyndar í flutningum međ timbur til Valencia frá Bandaríkjunum. Farminn átti danskur vínkaupmađur í Valencia og hefur viđurinn ugglaust átt ađ fara í gerđ áma. Ţađ var ekkert um borđ í ţessu skipi sem ógnađi Ţýskalandi.
Ansgar fra Marstal sprengdur og sökkt til gamans af kapteini og áhöfn U-52.
Ţađ var eins gott ađ Júlíus Schopca settist ađ á Íslandi og ţagđi ţar um ađild sína ađ árás á danskt skip á Miđjarđarhafi áriđ 1917. Hver veit hver frami hans hefđi veriđ í Ţýskalandi međ slíka reynslu í farteskinu; eđa hvađ gerst hefđi hann, svo Danir heyrđu til í Reykjavík, gortađ sig af ađ hafa sökkt Ansgar. Ćtli illmenniđ Heydrich hafi haft slíkar syndir á samviskunni á sama aldri og Schopka?
Bloggar | Breytt 10.1.2020 kl. 18:49 | Slóđ | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)