Goblet revival

IMG_1138 c

Photo: Vilhjálmur Örn Vilhjálmsson

Couple of days ago, when I was wandering around the the island of Amager, which used to be quite Dutch-influenced in the 16-19th centuries, I found this beaker in glass-blower Rikke Bruzelius´ workshop, Glasseriet, in Dragřr. It was sold as second choice good and thus cheaper than a 1st class product. Honestly I couldn´t see anything wrong with it, so I bought it and shot this photograph.

Glös af sömu gerđ og Reykholgsbikar

What has caused a modern glass-artist to blow this type of glass is really amazing. The form is very much like 14th century glass goblets, which the artist to her knowledge has never seen. The exquisite goblets on the b/w photo are quite rare in archaeological finds. They have been found in few examples in the Netherlands, Britain and one in Reykholt, Iceland (See here in an earlier article). The medieval goblets might be of French origin.

There are only 650 years between the goblet at the workshop in Dragřr and the medieval ones. That shows us that form changes slowly.


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1 Smámynd: Jón Steinar Ragnarsson

Sé ekki betur en ađ ţetta sé alveg eins, en hugsa ađ blásarinn hafi ekki haft fyrirmynd, nema kannski af málverki ţví stetturinn á ţví gamla er mikiđ burđugri en á ţví nýja. Stöđugra glas.

Jón Steinar Ragnarsson, 17.10.2020 kl. 20:01

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